A tiara! Just what every adventurer needs. Um. Maybe. Maybe if you weren’t a guy… Although it does have some serious power!
It doesn’t get much better than Royal Armor. The floating effect of the boots can be annoying at times, but it beats taking fall damage!
Ultimate Armor! This is the stuff that dreams and adventures are made of!
Tiger’s Eye Armor would probably look better on your girlfriend.
Ruby Armor. Some of the toughest stuff in the game! Nice and red too.
Queen Scale Armor! Now that lady has class! Lookin’ sweet!
Pretty in Pink! Aw. Now this is why guys don’t wear girl’s clothes. Seriously, give this to your girlfriend to wear!
Peacock Armor. Looks kind of iffy, but it prevents fall damage! Great for use while climbing in very very high places.
Moth Scale Armor! From MOTHRA himself. Looks good. Not much else though.
Mobzilla Scale Armor. This is what you need to take on Royalty. Anything less will just get you killed. Still, bring a backup set or two!
Lava Eel Armor? Really? I’m not sure we even have Lava Eels…
Lapis Armor? Pretty sure Lapis in not in the game either. Have no clue how you get this unless it’s through the loot chests.
Emerald Armor is some great stuff. Especially for people who like green.
Not to be confused with Experience Armor which is also green, just like this…
Amethyst! What a lovely shade of purple it is!
But there’s nothing like a nice jacket to impress the ladies. Money talks. Anything else walks. Can’t beat this for looking perfect!